This is where you can see the many types of stone art work. Vermont Stone Sculptures can re-create these and custom make other stone art work for you. This display will help you make an informed choice as to the type of work you want VSS to create for you. To see an enlarged view of any item, please click on the image.
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Item Name: Bevel Marker
Description: A slanted surface marker that sits directly on the ground. Does not require a base.333

Item Name: Oval Marker
Description: Same as a bevel marker but with a slightly curved surface.

Item Name: Slant Marker
Description: A slanted 90 degree marker that rest on top of a base.

Item Name: Upright Monument
Description: Also known as a gravestone, it is vertical slab of granite that sits on top of a base.Many styles are available or have us create one just for you.

Item Name: Ledger
Description: Average length is between six to eight feet long and rest over grave. Raised about six to eight inches from concrete slab.

Item Name: Post
Description: Small sized markers used to define a cemetery plot or other area of land. Usually embellished with an initial or other design.

website by Park Lane Services